What Our
Customers Say
With 99% customer satisfaction and over 500+ verified 5 star reviews across our site and Trust Pilot, we guarantee you will love your orthotics or your money back!

- Based on 357 reviews
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It’s been almost 2 weeks since I received my orthotics and I can honestly say they’ve exceeded my expectations 10 fold. If they’re in my shoes (Skechers mostly), I experience no pain whatsoever. It’s not that they’ve healed me – because I still occasionally get acute sharp pain in my instep and across the top of my foot – when I’m barefoot in the house! If they’re in my shoes and I’m wearing those shoes – I’ve been totally pain-free. My wife even says I’m walking more upright and not hunched over in order to take pressure off the foot.
Here’s the kicker – I had planned to schedule another hip replacement surgery (other hip) that I knew I needed at some point in time. (First surgury was in 2020.) Doc said it was inevitable based on the x-rays 7 months ago and that I’d know when it was time. I’ve not made that call yet because my hip, groin and buttock, and thigh pain is gone! I’m convinced it’s because of the new Stride orthotics. The pain in my left foot was creating severe pain symptoms in my right hip, groin, etc. I’ve yet to go on a long walk due to the weather here – that’s going to be the acid test – but in the meantime I’m enjoying being pain free again….. the best $98 I’ve ever spent on anything!
My wife now wants a pair so you expect another order shortly.
No more back and forths with the doctor
I live in Texas and it’s not easy for me to get orthotics. A few years ago I travelled 3 hours to Dallas to go see a doctor, and had to return 3 times to get fitted. I found Stride online a few months ago, and I’m so glad I did. The scan, and questionnare, only took a few minutes. The gait analysis was cool too. I don’t think i’m going back to my old doctor
Teacher's Feet Saved!
3rd grade teacher here who literally wants to cry at the end of the day because my feet are so sore. I tried Dr. Scholl’s, Hoka’s, clogs, and everything else my colleagues suggested. I was seriously considering filing for leave until a friend recommended Stride.
My gardening savior
I have my Stride’s now in the shoes I do my gardening with. They fit great and only took a few hours to break in.
Finally, Real Help for Morton’s Neuroma
TLDR: Get Strides. Okay, I’ve tried literally everything for my foot pain. Every SINGLE insole from the pharmacy aisle, 10 different pairs on Amazon, Walk Fultons, Superfeet, and even custom orthotics from Upstep. They all felt good for like a day, but for every one, within a week, my feet would start killing me again.
Simple Yet Effective
Pain gone!
My heel pain is gone! I normally don’t write reviews but I felt I had to after getting a pair of strides.
Stride asked me to do a review but honestly I would have done it on my own. I stand behind this product 100%.