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Custom Insoles to Elevate your Soccer Game

Custom Orthotic Insoles: Unleashing Soccer Performance Potential with Scientific Precision Soccer, a sport requiring precision, agility, and exceptional footwork, presents athletes with the challenge of optimizing performance while minimizing the risk of injuries. In this blog post, we will explore the world of custom orthotic insoles and how they can significantly elevate soccer performance. Backed …

Do Custom Orthotics Really Work?

Custom Versus Off the Shelf? When it comes to providing support and comfort for our feet, there are various options on the market. Two popular choices are custom orthotics and insoles that gradually mold to the shape of our feet over time. The latter are often made of cork or stiff foam materials. While moldable …

Plantar Fasciitis: Custom vs. Non-Custom Insoles

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition characterized by inflammation and pain in the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. It can be a debilitating condition, impacting daily activities and quality of life. While several treatment options exist, custom orthotic insoles crafted by podiatrists have proven …

Custom Insoles and Flat Feet: A Perfect Match

Flat feet, also known as pes planus, is a common condition where the arches of the feet collapse, causing pain and discomfort, and also increasing fatigue during athletic activity. This condition affects millions of individuals worldwide, impacting their quality of life and hindering their mobility. While several treatment options exist, custom orthotic insoles, tailored specifically …

The Role of iPhone’s TrueDepth Camera on iPhones in Podiatry: Superior Custom Insole Creation, Now in Your Hands

The incorporation of the TrueDepth camera into podiatry practice has revolutionized the capture of 3D foot scans for building custom insoles. Let’s delve into why podiatrists love this system and how it can benefit you. 1. Streamlined Foot Scanning Process No messy plaster molds. No clunky machinery. No difficult integrations. Podiatrists have embraced the TrueDepth …